Sunday, March 29, 2020

Relationship Between Chemistry and the Human Body

Relationship Between Chemistry and the Human BodyBecause chemistry has been called the science of life, we can use it to help us understand human behavior, how food is digested, what makes a person fall in love, how diseases start and how they spread, how a woman grows in age and can we change our biochemistry in order to become stronger and healthier? We can use our knowledge of chemistry to help us become better teachers, have better leadership skills and become better at home. Let's take a look at some of the relationships between human biochemistry and chemistry and how you can use them in your own life.Many of the studies we do in chemistry are focused on our bodies. We know that we are made up of two separate groups of cells. These cells divide and they divide very fast - five times faster than our cells divide in the rest of the body. This makes it very important for us to learn how to slow down this division of cells and in fact, we use food in particular to slow down the div ision of cells to promote a healthy state of health.If we can understand what the smaller cells are made up of then we can take advantage of some of the research done on small molecules and how they work. Small molecules are the building blocks of the cell. Some are more important than others in that the small molecules form the foundation of a cell and they control how well it will function. For example, ATP is a small molecule that is an energy source for the cell and is needed to make a cell function correctly.Another relationship between human biochemistry and chemistry is the relationship between the human brain and the chemistry in the blood. Blood carries all the proteins that the brain is made up of. We know that a certain part of the brain regulates moods and makes decisions and these are sometimes based on what our blood tells us about our own health. Therefore, if we can understand how the blood carries chemicals that tell the brain what its trying to tell it, we can use this knowledge to help us lead a healthier life.There is now evidence that there are chemical reactions in the bloodstream that affect our decision making and moods. Drugs that affect the brain can affect blood levels and the connection between chemistry and the brain has been studied to determine whether or not this relationship exists. Also, there is evidence that is being investigated now that we may be able to change the chemistry in our blood by putting the right chemicals into the bloodstream. It is possible that this could cause our moods to change.The last relationship that I am going to discuss between human biochemistry and chemistry relates to the study of what causes cancer. When you think about this in relation to the cell, it is obvious that the body has built in defenses against cancer. Cancer is known to occur when there is some sort of malfunction in the body's defenses.The way the body's defenses are designed to work is by first identifying the cause of the problem and then fixing the problem to try to keep the cancer from returning. We need to stop the cancer cells from dividing before they reach a critical mass that can cause damage to our body. The problem is that no one knows what causes cancer and therefore scientists have been trying to figure out ways to identify the causes and then try to fix the problem so that the body can then work properly.All of these relationships between chemistry and the human body are very interesting and are interrelated. By understanding these relationships, we can learn about the immune system and the cell and thus find ways to solve problems like cancer and heart disease and many other illnesses.

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