Sunday, March 29, 2020

Relationship Between Chemistry and the Human Body

Relationship Between Chemistry and the Human BodyBecause chemistry has been called the science of life, we can use it to help us understand human behavior, how food is digested, what makes a person fall in love, how diseases start and how they spread, how a woman grows in age and can we change our biochemistry in order to become stronger and healthier? We can use our knowledge of chemistry to help us become better teachers, have better leadership skills and become better at home. Let's take a look at some of the relationships between human biochemistry and chemistry and how you can use them in your own life.Many of the studies we do in chemistry are focused on our bodies. We know that we are made up of two separate groups of cells. These cells divide and they divide very fast - five times faster than our cells divide in the rest of the body. This makes it very important for us to learn how to slow down this division of cells and in fact, we use food in particular to slow down the div ision of cells to promote a healthy state of health.If we can understand what the smaller cells are made up of then we can take advantage of some of the research done on small molecules and how they work. Small molecules are the building blocks of the cell. Some are more important than others in that the small molecules form the foundation of a cell and they control how well it will function. For example, ATP is a small molecule that is an energy source for the cell and is needed to make a cell function correctly.Another relationship between human biochemistry and chemistry is the relationship between the human brain and the chemistry in the blood. Blood carries all the proteins that the brain is made up of. We know that a certain part of the brain regulates moods and makes decisions and these are sometimes based on what our blood tells us about our own health. Therefore, if we can understand how the blood carries chemicals that tell the brain what its trying to tell it, we can use this knowledge to help us lead a healthier life.There is now evidence that there are chemical reactions in the bloodstream that affect our decision making and moods. Drugs that affect the brain can affect blood levels and the connection between chemistry and the brain has been studied to determine whether or not this relationship exists. Also, there is evidence that is being investigated now that we may be able to change the chemistry in our blood by putting the right chemicals into the bloodstream. It is possible that this could cause our moods to change.The last relationship that I am going to discuss between human biochemistry and chemistry relates to the study of what causes cancer. When you think about this in relation to the cell, it is obvious that the body has built in defenses against cancer. Cancer is known to occur when there is some sort of malfunction in the body's defenses.The way the body's defenses are designed to work is by first identifying the cause of the problem and then fixing the problem to try to keep the cancer from returning. We need to stop the cancer cells from dividing before they reach a critical mass that can cause damage to our body. The problem is that no one knows what causes cancer and therefore scientists have been trying to figure out ways to identify the causes and then try to fix the problem so that the body can then work properly.All of these relationships between chemistry and the human body are very interesting and are interrelated. By understanding these relationships, we can learn about the immune system and the cell and thus find ways to solve problems like cancer and heart disease and many other illnesses.

Friday, March 6, 2020

High Resolves

High Resolves High Resolves High Resolves is recognized as a global leader in the design and delivery of capacity-building experiences for young people, and is a previous winner of the Good Design Australia Award for Excellence in Experience Design. Our global mission is to provide young people with the motivation, capability and confidence to be purposeful global citizens and to lead their communities to a brighter future. We define a global citizen as someone who acts in the long-term, collective interest of humanity. Each of our learning experiences is aligned to a specific discipline area within the field of global citizenship: Collective Identity, Independent Thinking, Social Justice, Digital Citizenship, Personal Impact, Collective Action, Effective Collaboration, and Conflict Resolution. In the U.S., there will be a strong emphasis on inoculating young people against racism and extremism. High Resolves is the largest provider of global citizenship and leadership education for middle and high school students in Australia. Since 1997, we have delivered global citizenship and leadership programs to over 160,000 students. We successfully trialed our approach in the United States and Canada in early 2017, and are now embarking on an ambitious launch program to rapidly roll out the program. We are a non-profit, non-religious and non-partisan and all our curriculum supports that ethos.

Action! Comedy! Drama! Learn Languages Through Movie Genres

Action! Comedy! Drama! Learn Languages Through Movie Genres Action! Comedy! Drama! Learn Languages Through Movie Genres Movies can teach you a lot.They can show you how to fight for what you want.They can help you learn magical spells to fix your glasses and/or make your nemesis suffer.They can even teach you how to destroy evil jewelry (thanks for that, Frodo).But theres one thing that watching movies can teach you that will benefit you more than any adventures through Middle Earth or to any wizarding school ever could.Watching movies can help teach you languages.Yes, real-world languages, not just Elvish or parseltongue.Whether you watch them online, on DVD or with your Roku, movies can pack the learning wallop you need to take your language skills to the next level.The first hurdle you encounter, though, might be which type of movie to choose for this purpose. After all, movie genres are just as diverse as languages themselves, and if youre not already familiar with the film scene in your target language, you might not have any clue where to start.Luckily, each movie genre has something to offer th e language learner, and furthermore, you can actually use movie genres to target specific skills and vocabulary sets.You cant go wrong when you watch a movie in your target language, but selecting the right genre can help you zero in on exactly what you want to learn.So  lights, camera, action! Heres all you need to know about taking a genre-based approach to improving your language skills with movies. Why You Should Learn Languages Through Different Movie GenresFirst of all, movie genres provide thematic vocabulary. Since different genres have different focuses, they also have vocabulary that matches their unique focuses, giving you access to tons of thematic vocabulary on practically whatever subject you can imagine.Secondly, you can easily guess what sorts of thematic vocabulary will be used based on genre, so its easy to anticipate what youll get out of watching. For instance, if youre  enjoying cartoons, youll get a lot of basic vocabulary thats good for beginners. If youre w atching a martial arts film, youll get plenty of action vocabulary. Just read any movies description and you can guess what sort of vocabulary it will include.Learning with different movie genres is also a more  entertaining way to go about learning with movies. If you use different genres to cover a wide breadth of material, you can use movies for learning material  whether youre in the mood for action, romance or laughs. And since youll enjoy a sense of satisfaction from targeting your learning needs successfully with content you like, youre much more likely to do it enthusiastically, which will help keep you learning with very little effort.Plus, watching different movie genres will expose you to authentic, native-level speech in different contexts. Practicing your listening skills not just with different speakers but also in different scenarios will help prepare you to understand real speech in context.Finally, watching genre-specific movies is easy to pair with additional activ ities to maximize your learning. In fact, ideally, you should  pair it with other activities. FluentU, for example, can help both structure your movie learning and provide a fun method of study to alternate with it. FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like movie trailers, commercials, mini-movies and moreâ€"and turns them into personalized language lessons that allow you to engage with the material.Just watching movies without engaging with them can be one of the  pitfalls to learning a language with movies, but luckily, there are plenty of great activities you can do to get more out of your movie watching experience. Just read ahead for some fun ideas!Action! Comedy! Drama! Learn Languages Through Movie GenresBelow, well look at what each movie genre can do for your language learning, along with at least one activity and a couple of recommendations. Of course, the ideal thing will be to pinpoint films for a given genre in your target language, so well also show you some general lists of great films for learners of different languages along the way that you can use to find the genres of your choice.DramaAbout the Genre and BenefitsDrama has a more serious reputationâ€"this is the genre youll generally see nominated for big awards.Movies in the drama genre can cover a wide range of topics, making it easy to select a film based on what vocabulary you want to learn, but that may mean you need to look beyond the drama categorization. For instance, you might find romance, history, crime and more within this genre, all with their own topical vocabulary sets.ActivityBig-deal dramas are usually written about extensively. Critics (both professional and amateur) want to put their two cents in to assess and analyze the latest, most anticipated offerings.For language learners, all the reviews, accolades and criticisms can be learning gold, since theres a good chance many are written in your target language.After watching a critically acclaimed drama film, go online and sear ch for the film name and review or analysis in your target language. Then, you can read what others have said about the movie you just watched, working a little thematic reading practice into the mix.You might even try writing your own reviews in your target language at IMDb to reinforce the vocabulary you learned in the film and practice your writing.Below are just two examples of dramas from a couple of languages that could be used for this exerciseâ€"go out and find your own!Drama Recommendations???? ????? (The Insult)  The Insult is a Lebanese film that features the Lebanese dialect of Arabic. In this Oscar-nominated film, events snowball and two men, a Lebanese Christian and a Palestinian refugee, end up on opposite sides of a court battle. While theres some inappropriate language (in fact, the titular insult itself), the film also features plenty of court scenes to help you perfect your Arabic legal vocabulary.Looking for more Arabic movies in different genres and dialects? He res a drama-heavy list of movies in Levantine Arabic, and heres a varied list of highly-acclaimed movies spanning multiple Arabic dialects.Una mujer fantástica (A Fantastic Woman)  This Spanish-language film out of Chile won an Academy Award as Best Foreign Language Film, and from watching it, its easy to see why. It follows a young trans woman whose older companion dies unexpectedly. In the wake of his death, she must confront grief, prejudice and the accusation that she is responsible for his death.You can find more Spanish-language movies of different genres on Amazon Prime, on Netflix and on other streaming sites.ComedyAbout the Genre and BenefitsThe main focus of comedy is obvious: its funny.The humor can vary between dark, goofy, slapstick or even a combination, but you can expect to laugh.One unique feature of comedies is that theyre more likely to feature wordplay than other genres, which can be helpful for advanced learners to really test out their skills. After all, under standing wordplay in your target language is a great sign that your skills are very advanced since it often doesnt translate directly or literally.ActivityFor anyone with a funny bone, activities associated with the genre come like second nature: just memorize jokes.You can use jokes as models for grammar rules, to help you memorize vocabulary or for speaking practice. Plus, you can go ahead and share them with your language-learning friends as a fun way to liven up your conversations.Another activity that you might try is to attempt to mimic the humor of a film. Based on the general tone and language of the film, you might also try making up your own jokes in your target language. What punchlines can you come up with that the protagonist failed to deliver? What funny scenarios could they have added to the film? Describe them in your target language for a little extra language practice.Comedy RecommendationsEr ist wieder da (Look Whos Back)Okay. Before you read any further, please s wallow any beverages that are presently in your mouth to avoid spit-takes.Got it down?Good. Look Whos Back is a German satirical comedy in which Adolf Hitler awakens from his bunker in 2014, is mistaken for an actor and starts shooting YouTube videos, all while adjusting to the modern world.Are you laughing yet?For more comedies and other genres in German, you can once again look on Netflix or Amazon Prime.Il a déjà tes yeux  (He Even Has Your Eyes)In this French comedy, a French-African couple finally gets to adopt a baby. Theres just one little surprise: the baby is white. The family must struggle with relatives who dont want to accept a white baby as one of their own and a racist social worker. Despite the seriousness of the subject matter, the film is categorized as a comedy and takes a more lighthearted approach.For French-language movies in this genre and others, check out Netflix, more Netflix and Amazon Prime.RomanceAbout the Genre and BenefitsAh, romance. Its the genre th at makes you long for long walks through the park with your beloved and/or Ryan Goslings cell phone number.However, the romantic genre generally overlaps with other genres, like comedy and drama. Still, films in that fall clearly into this genre usually feature romantic vocabulary and flirty interactions, so its an ideal genre for anyone looking to prepare for romance or just interested in learning more dating and relationship vocab.ActivityInevitably, heroes in romantic films face constant romantic setbacks. Think of pickup lines, declarations or explanations in your target language that could help them land their beloved or at least get out of trouble, realistically or not. Shout them at the screen as the protagonist flounders. See, you totally have more game than that silly protagonist.Romance RecommendationsAmélieIn this whimsical French romantic comedy, a shy, naive Parisian woman secretly affects the lives of those around her based on what she feels they deserve. But along th e way, she also falls in love with a mysterious stranger. The film was nominated for five Academy Awards and received widespread acclaim, and anyone who watches it will understand why. It has undeniable charm.Bianca come il latte, rossa come il sangue  (White as Milk, Red as Blood)Perhaps this Italian film could be better described as a romantic dramedy since it has aspects of romance, comedy and drama. But whatever you call it, Italian learners can fall in love with the movie. It follows a boy enamored with a girl who has cancer.For more Italian movies that fall into romance and other genres, check out this Netflix list.Action/AdventureAbout the Genre and BenefitsIf youre an adrenaline junkie and Black Friday shopping just isnt enough of a rush for you, action/adventure movies might be just what you need in your life.This genre offers edge-of-your-seat action. Action and adventure films can also include some sub-genres that you may not immediately associate with the genre, includin g war films, fantasy and sci-fi.While films in this genre may feature more specialized vocabulary, which can prove challenging, there are also more breaks in dialogue to give you time to think about what you heard.ActivityFor language learners, the action sequences will provide plenty of breaks in which you can easily work in a little speaking practice.Whenever the dialogue stops and action occurs,  try to narrate what youre seeing on screen. Give as many details as you can. Youre only limited by your own vocabulary, so its up to you what you say, but narrating will help you practice using your vocabulary in context, giving you speaking practice. You might just want to look up car chase ahead of time in your target language, because chances are, youll need it.Action/Adventure Recommendations???? (Kung Fu Yoga)This movie may be in Mandarin, but that doesnt mean that English speakers wont recognize a familiar face. Thats because Jackie Chan stars in this high-grossing action-adventure comedy.In it, Chan plays an archaeology professor who teams up with another professor to find Tibetan treasure. Though they manage to find it, a team of mercenaries stand in their way. You never know where mercenaries will crop up these days.Here are 7 more Mandarin movies on Netflix, and a list for Amazon Prime as well.Elite Squad: The Enemy Within  This popular and acclaimed Brazilian crime film follows a special operations force. Rest assured, there are plenty of intense situations that will get your blood pumping. And the increased blood flow to your brain must be good for Portuguese learning, right?Heres a list of Netflix movies in both Brazilian and European Portuguese.HorrorAbout the Genre and BenefitsIf you cant resist a good scare, horror is definitely the genre for you.Horror movies are designed to be frightening. Rather than leaning heavily on language, horror movies generally lean more on visuals (and, of course, gore). Still, youll get plenty of creepy vocabulary words , which you can study to distract yourself from the intense, quiet scenes where you just know someone or something is about to scare the living daylights out of you.ActivityThe creepy, prolonged silences that are so standard in the genre provide plenty of opportunities to insert additional learning opportunities during a horror flick.All you have to do is exactly what you do with any horror movie: shout advice to the protagonists. In this case, just try to do it in your target language. This will give you some speaking practice and the opportunity to use whatever vocabulary youve learned from the movie so far.Horror Recommendations??? (Train to Busan)Im sure all Korean students are eager to learn the word for zombie. Well, nows your chance! Train to Busan is a horror movie that features a father desperately trying to take his daughter to reach the one city thats safe from a zombie outbreak. But first, they must survive the train ride.Plus, with an American remake slated for the not- too-distant future, watching the original Korean movie might help you anticipate some of the twists and turns.Here are 7 more Korean movies on Netflix spanning various genres that you just might love.??????? (Tag)In this Japanese horror flick, a bizarre school bus accident leaves just one teenage girl alive. However, shes transported to a different high school in a strange, parallel universe where violence abounds.Its bloody. Its weird. And it just might be any horror fan and/or Japanese students favorite thing ever.Japanese and horror movies might seem to go hand in hand, but this list of Japanese movies on Netflix goes a lot further, genre-wise.Looking for horror movies in other languages? You may want to check out these 10 scary Spanish flicks and five German fright films. Some of these French sci fi features may also do the trick.ChildrensAbout the Genre and BenefitsWhether youre a kid or a kid at heart, childrens movies can be fun to watch. And lets be realâ€"some of their joke s are clearly intended for adults, anyway.While childrens movies are obviously intended for children overall, theyre also great for beginning and intermediate learners since they tend to rely on basic, general vocabulary and dialogue is usually spoken more slowly and clearly than in other films. So if other genres seem a little too daunting, this is the genre for you!ActivitySince childrens movies usually feature slower, clearer dialogue than other film genres, they provide a great opportunity to fine-tune your pronunciation as you watch.To get in some pronunciation, just repeat lines whenever theres a pause in dialogue. If the pauses arent as long as youd like, you might even try pausing the movie while you repeat the same line over and over again until youve nailed down the nuances of the pronunciation.If the movie inspires you to fully embrace your inner child, you might also try making well-decorated flashcards of vocabulary words you learned from the movie (glitter glue is opti onal). Then, you can study these words so that the next time you watch the movie, you can understand it with less effort.Childrens Movie RecommendationsAninaAnina is a Spanish-language animated movie from Uruguay/Colombia.It follows a girl who gets into a spat at school. She receives a punishment that propels her into various adventures that teach her about herself and the world around her.HeidiThis live-action childrens film from Switzerland uses Swiss German. Its based on the classic novel of the same name, in which a young Swiss girl moves to the Alps to live with her grandfather.Plus, as an awesome learning bonus, you can also read the original German-language book for free from Project Gutenberg  or listen to it for free from LibriVox.For more animated movies in the above and other languages, you can check out these lists:5 Animated Movies That Will Help Teach You Chinese10 Spanish-language Animated Movies That Illustrate Different Accents and Dialects8 Must-see French Animated Movies Youll Absolutely Love10 Must-see German Animated Movies Youll Absolutely Love6 Japanese Animated Movies to Bring Your Learning to LifeThe 15 Best Animated Movies for Learning and Improving English SkillsWith so many useful movie genres out there, no one will ever yell  cut  on your road to fluency!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Spanglish Online Tutoring - How To Be Able To Learn Spanish In Easy Steps

Spanglish Online Tutoring - How To Be Able To Learn Spanish In Easy StepsA lot of people are opting for Spanish online tutoring to avail their dream of learning the language fluently. The internet has made it easy for everyone to avail of high quality training at any time. Also, many employers prefer to work with candidates who have got the required qualifications for the job.Now, the English speaking world is very different from the Spanish speaking world in the perception of the way people from these two worlds communicate with each other. This makes it very essential for us to understand how to communicate better with our Spanish counterparts.But, the cost of online Spanish online tutoring might seem to be very high but it can certainly help a person learn the language in an efficient manner. There are many benefits that the user can enjoy if he takes up this course.One of the main things that you will find out about the course is that it is offered by various types of organizatio ns and private institutions. So, you can have an option of choosing the best suited one for your learning requirements. The options are also plenty in terms of the timings.It doesn't matter whether you are taking up the course in the afternoon or during the night, all you need to do is to schedule your lessons according to your needs. Most of the Spanish tutors offer their services in English as well. For better chances, you can also get professional help on these issues.Make a good note of the instructors' contact information so that you can easily reach them for any queries. To simplify the learning process, make sure that you go through the materials that are being given to you by the instructor.One last thing to consider is the time commitment that you have to put in when taking up this course. Make sure that you will not take up more than what you can handle. You can even add on to your other responsibilities and duties to increase your output.

I.B. Chemistry I.E.I.A. Ideas

I.B. Chemistry I.E.I.A. IdeasIf you are a freshman or a sophomore, you might find I.B. Chemistry one of the toughest subjects to take, but if you have the right idea, it could become a breeze! In this article, I will give you an overview of some of the I.B. Chemistry I.E.I.A.I. Ideas that can change your whole life.First off, a lot of students focus on using Expos, their two studies A. I.B. Chemistry is the backbone of many research projects, and so why not capitalize on this opportunity by doing the best Expos? You should make the most of this opportunity and make the exam as easy as possible. Your exam grade will also benefit from completing these Expos.Second, some I.B. Chemistry students think that you can study the material better through the use of Expos rather than studying outside the classroom. This is probably not the best way to go, however, because Expos actually give you a much better chance at getting a great score on the I.B. Chemistry exam, so use them.Third, students who have taken several courses in college may struggle with the exam, and they tend to burn out. There are a lot of things you can do to speed up your studies, and I.B. Chemistry is one of them.Fourth, many students fail because they want to do well on the I.B. Chemistry exam, but are just not aware of the importance of taking adequate time for studying. Therefore, they end up over-scheduling themselves and losing precious time due to not knowing how to handle it. Even if you are working a regular job, you will still need to take enough time to study for the exam.Fifth, the I.B. Chemistry exam can be quite difficult. Therefore, I.B. Chemistry is not for everyone, but if you are certain that you will pass, you should definitely study for it very hard.Finally, there are some good I.B. Chemistry I.E.I.A. Ideas that you can take advantage of to help boost your score. Make sure you spend as much time as possible studying, and you will score far higher than if you didn't take the time to study!

Should I Add a Minor in College

Should I Add a Minor in College Like all big decisions in college, deciding what to get your degree in is a difficult choice. You may think that once youve decided on your major, the big decisions regarding your track of learning are complete. However, this is not necessarily the case! You still have several options for your education, one of which is whether or not to pick up a minor. This addition is not for everyone, but it can greatly benefit some students. Read on to decide if picking up a minor would be beneficial to you Why you should consider a minor To open your eyes to other fields Adding a minor allows you to get exposure to a field that you wouldnt otherwise get. Youre taking classes that are outside your normal track, so youre learning new information that can benefit you in a variety of ways. Maybe you decide to take a few classes to get a minor in a certain subject and realize that you really enjoy it. If you find yourself in this position, youre at the point where you can consider double majoring. Even if you take a few classes and decide to stop after your minor requirements are completed, you will at least have another area of expertise to reference, and you will have learned for sure that this isnt something you want to pursue as a major/career (nothing is worse than just not knowing!). To stand out from the competition Having a range of experiences can only help you stand out when it comes to applying for jobs and internships post-graduation. Many employers will be happy to see your range of interests and experiences, which could benefit you in the hiring process. When employers see that you have a minor, they see that you are interested in learning more and working hard, both of which are great qualities to have. To increase your skill sets Every subject involves different strategies and different ways of thinking, so taking a few extra classes can give you greater perspective. While adding a minor may mean extra work, it also means you are learning more. Maybe critical thinking skills are a huge part of your major, but public speaking is a large part of your minor. With both of them, you increase your portfolio of skills. Or perhaps your minor classes focus heavily on writing, allowing you to improve in that aspect. Regardless, you wont lose knowledge by taking additional classes. [RELATED: What I Wish I Knew About Picking a College Major] Why a minor may not be right for you It may take away from your major field of study Before choosing to add a minor, you should look into your major requirements and see if minoring is a possibility at all; consult with your academic advisor if youre not sure. If your major is a particularly heavy one requiring a significant amount of time and effort that is already overwhelming you, you may want to consider just sticking to your major. If youre worried that a minor may take the place of other important activities, such as landing extracurricular leadership roles or an internship, minoring may not be for you at this time. It may not affect your post-grad plans While some minors may help you set yourself apart from competition in post-grad job searches or grad school applications, some arent necessarily worth the additional work. If you are choosing a minor that is too close to your major of study, consider if it really will help you when it comes time to apply for jobs. On the other side, if you choose a minor that is incredibly different from your major, employers may see that as indecisive and potentially worry that you dont plan to stay in that field. [RELATED: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Switching Majors] Bottom line: If you do decide to pick a minor, ensure you choose one that benefits your major, rather than taking away from it. By carefully evaluating the aforementioned factors, you can make an informed decision on whether or not to pursue a minor in your college career. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

What College Students Should Know About Social Media

What College Students Should Know About Social Media These days, almost everything gets posted on social media. Every social event, every embarrassing fall, every bad hair daythey get posted on the Internet for the world to see. Staying smart on social media is a concept that many students misplace. Knowledge of social media and its influence on your future is valuable, because contrary to many beliefs, there are great advantages to students utilizing social media as well. With almost everyone having some sort presence online, and many not properly aware of the best ways to showcase that presence, things can get messy fast. The big thing to remember when in college is that your social media presence matters. It might have influenced the admissions advisors who approved your application and it may influence potential employers for the rest of your life. You could be a stand-up citizen with amazing grades and wonderful people skills, but if you appear one way online and another way in person, employers may begin to wonder how well you actually might fit in with their mission. Why students should craft a positive online persona A positive persona on social media can sometimes help you land a job or an internship. You could find yourself recruited by a potential employer through LinkedIn, for example (someone who probably took a peek at your other channels as well to get an idea of your character before reaching out). Even if you make connections at a career fair or through other avenues at your school or in-person events, chances are these people will check out your social channels, so a glowing image could help boost your resume up the list. Having a positive image online may show that you are aware of the world around you and know how to properly handle yourself in an environment where nearly anything is allowed. How students can positively use social media It can be smart at some point during college to begin constructing a professional image online. Consider following news channels and public figures relevant to your field of interest, which will show you are interested in more than just the social aspects of the world. Some people choose to set up a professional Twitter account, for example, to follow and post things relevant to both their career path and current events. Also, in addition to Linkedin, there are various portfolio sites geared toward networking in specific fields. These types of sites could be focused on art, writing, research, or another discipline, and give you a platform to showcase your experience and skills while networking with potential connections. It can also be helpful to maintain a professional presence on other social networking sites, like Facebook and Instagramplaces you might not typically think of as professional social media opportunities! There is no need to completely shy away from sharing various posts and photos with your friends and family, but simply making sure that content is appropriate and representative of the online persona youd want employers to see is whats crucial. Little things like this can pay off big with potential employers who may be comparing your resume to others. Plus, this is another opportunity to share articles that are relevant to current events and your desired career field, further emphasizing your readiness for entering the workforce. [RELATED: The Importance of Writing Skills] Remember the positive side of social media and how proper usage can work to your advantage; think of your online profiles as a sort of resume or glimpse into the things you think are important. This could be the first thing potential employers know about you and your character, so make it a good first impression. In the end, college life will be some of the best days you experience, but just remember to think twice before posting, because your online actions could affect your future opportunities. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at